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Click on each picture to see full size, then right click to download it

Picture 1                Picture 2              Picture 3              Picture 4               Picture 5        

Anh1.jpg (38701 bytes)   AnhThu1.jpg (53689 bytes)  CamHoaTu41970.jpg (43935 bytes)  cotanquochuongqtnguyenthiut191169.jpg (206108 bytes)  CucHienSenTrungDeNhi7172.jpg (83717 bytes)

Picture 6                Picture 7              Picture 8               Picture 9               Picture 10

CucSenHienTrungDeII7071.jpg (217963 bytes)  DangMinhSuong9Tuoi(Jan2770).jpg (84938 bytes)  DangThanhHanh1971.jpg (52552 bytes)    Huong&TrungGoCongDeII7172.jpg (191816 bytes)   LamNgocHuong(GoCongDeII).jpg (84402 bytes)

Picture 11              Picture 12             Picture 13           Picture 14              Picture 15

Lan1.jpg (52982 bytes)  LeKimPhung&Trung1.jpg (142836 bytes)  LeKimPhung1.jpg (191396 bytes)   LeKimPhungDeII72.jpg (240002 bytes)  LyMinhHa1973.jpg (210383 bytes)   

Picture 16               Picture 17             Picture 18              Picture 19             Picture 20

LyThiSen&PhamNgocTrungDeII72.jpg (248636 bytes)   NguyenNgocGiaoDeI.jpg (351797 bytes)  NguyenThiHuong1.jpg (48913 bytes)   NguyenThiHuongDeI7273.jpg (192409 bytes)   NguyenThiNha67.jpg (60523 bytes)

Picture 21               Picture 22              Picture 23             Picture 24              Picture 25

NguyenThiThaoMay2473.jpg (40138 bytes)   Nhan1.jpg (228134 bytes)  Nu.jpg (31155 bytes)   PhamNgocTrung1.jpg (175704 bytes)   PhamNgocTrung2.jpg (25029 bytes)


Picture 1: Anh

Picture 2: Anh Thu

Picture 3: Cam Hoa (De Tu IV - 1970)

Picture 4: Co Tan Quoc Huong, ?, Nguyen Thi Ut (Nov. 19, 1969)

Picture 5: Cuc, Hien, Sen, Trung (De Nhi - 1971 - 1972)

Picture 6: Cuc, Sen, Hien, Trung (De Nhi - 1971 - 1972)

Picture 7: Dang Minh Suong - 9 Tuoi (Jan. 27, 1970)

Picture 8: Dang Thanh Hanh - 1971

Picture 9: Huong, Trung - Go Cong - De Nhi 1971 - 1972)

Picture 10: Lam Ngoc Huong - Go Cong - De Nhi 1971 - 1972

Picture 11: Lan, De Luc - 1966

Picture 12: Le Kim Phung, Pham Ngoc Trung

Picture 13: Le Kim Phung    

Picture 14: Le Kim Phung, De Nhi 1972

Picture 15: Ly Minh Ha - 1973

Picture 16: Ly Thi Sen, Pham Ngoc Trung, De Nhi 1972

Picture 17: Nguyen Ngoc Giao, De Nhat 1973

Picture 18: Nguyen Thi Huong

Picture 19: Nguyen Thi Huong, Pham Ngoc Trung, De Nhat 1973

Picture 20: Nguyen Thi Nha, 1967

Picture 21: Dang Thi Thao - May 24, 1973

Picture 22: Nhan    

Picture 23: Nu

Picture 24: Pham Ngoc Trung

Picture 25: Pham Ngoc Trung

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